Feature Films
STALKER (2022)
Cast: Sophie Skelton (Outlander); Stuart Brennan (Risen); Brett Hart (WWE)
Producers: Stuart Brennan, Gareth Wiley
Writer: Chris Watt
Genre: Psychological Thriller / Horror
Returning to an eerily empty hotel, actress Rose Hepburn finds herself suspended in an old freight elevator on the twelfth floor with an unwanted companion.
Awards / Screenings
Premiered at Freightfest 2022
"Director Steve Johnson uses the dramatic irony implicit in its title and in subtle gestures and comments by Daniel to set the viewer on edge."
Spectrum Culture: Josh Goller, April 2023
"Director Steve Johnson works the confined space of this thriller brilliantly, conveying its claustrophobia while never becoming burdensome to the viewer. Johnson works from a tightly written script from Chris Watt, one that slowly increases in intensity largely through dialogue exchanges alone."
The Holo Files: George Bate & Josh Reilly B, April 2023
"Director Steve Johnson uses his extensive experience as a cinematographer to great effect. Johnson cuts to the elevator shaft and continually switches lighting. It's all very realistic and believable."
Movie Web: Julian Roman, March 2023
"Director Steve Johnson gives us the chance to think that either one of them could be the stalker, both of them seem like they’re rather shady."
Film Inquiry: Crockett Houghton, March 2023
"Committed performances from the two leads and some stylish visual flourishes from director Steve Johnson."
Total Film Magazine: Anton Van Beek, October 2022
"Johnson ramps the tension, creating a claustrophobic atmosphere that builds to a dramatic conclusion."
Starburst Magazine: Martin Unsworth, August 2022
"Written by Chris Watt and directed by Steve Johnson, Stalker does well to keep the interest up in a necessarily static situation, with both leads grandstanding when necessary – then underplaying to take the edge off the melodrama."
Kim Newman: August 2022
"Stalker is easily the best “Elevated Horror” of 2022. Delivering riveting performances that draw the audience in and become invested in their survival. Skelton in particular embodies her character’s final girl spirit to deliver an exciting twist on the Scream Queen formula. Impressively marshalled by director Steve Johnson, Stalker elevates its simple premise to deliver a taut, tense, terrific thriller."
Flickfeast: Dallas King, August 2022
"Director Johnson delivers a slow burn thriller whose tension can rise and fall over the course of a couple of lines. Both leads delivering spectacular performances. Stalker refuses to be forgotten."
Moving Picture Film Club: Lindsay Dawson, August 2022
"Two of the best performances of the festival [Frightfest 2022]. Stalker also allows Skelton to shed her Outlander counterpart and play someone thoroughly modern. Stalker is masterfully intense and elegantly constructed."
The Hollywood News: Kat Hughes, August 2022
"Director Steve Johnson, working from a razor-sharp screenplay by Chris Watt, keeps the questions and suspense building at a steady clip as Stalker heads toward its unnerving climax. The film boasts imaginative shots from Johnson and cinematographer Simon Stolland that keep the visuals engaging"
Scariest Things: August 2022
"Johnson wrings the situation for tension."
Horror Cult Films: David Smith, August 2022
Cast: Jeremy Theobald (Tenet); Nicolette McKeown (Lost at Christmas); Lee Fanning (Neds)
Producer: Margaret Johnson
Writer: Steve Johnson
Genre: Drama / Thriller / Mystery
Successful writer Martin is struggling after the death of his wife and child in a car crash. But when he meets grieving mother Lily at a bereavement group, his life changes and he starts to question the circumstances of the accident.
Awards / Screenings
Premiered at the 2019 British Independent Film Festival
2019 British Independent Film Festival - Best Feature Film Winner
2019 Cardiff International Film Festival - Best Feature Film Winner
+ 20 other worldwide film festivals awards
"For a film dealing with numerous angsty themes, Johnson does supremely well to explore them in a manner that feels controlled and minimalist. For those viewers who have fully immersed themselves into the narrative and Johnson's fluid storytelling, there is a bold, robust, and powerful ending to be experienced."
UK Film Review: Chris Olson, December 2018
"As a lower budgeted indie film, "Convergence" sure doesn't look the part. A nicely shot and put together production is always welcome. Once you add in some excellent writing and stellar acting however, you're in a completely different ball game. My point is that "Convergence" doesn't look or feel indie at all. That tried and true perception of knowing an indie film when you see one is rendered obsolete."
IndyRed: December 2018
"Johnson balances the magical realism at play with the grounded drama the leads are going through with confidence, so neither overpowers the other. Steve Johnson has crafted an impressive, hypnotic film that is equal parts drama and mystery, with fantastic acting."
Film Threat: Bobby LePire, December 2018
"For his second film writer-director Steve Johnson has managed to create a huge tapestry of intertwined themes in the 90 minutes of ‘Convergence'. With him both writing and directing this feature, Steve Johnson shows himself to be a very capable and genuine director."
ScreenCritix: Clark Burguss, December 2018
The Students of Springfield Street (2015)
Cast: Chris Donald (Outlander); Amanda Marment; Andreas Munoz (The Queens Gambit); Miller Turner; Alix Austin; Martin Bell (Neds)
Producer: Margaret Johnson
Writer: Steve Johnson
Genre: Come of Age Drama
The lives of six friends intricately weave words, actions and emotions that unknowingly change the direction of their lives.
Awards / Screenings
2015 Aberdeen Film Festival - Best Feature Film Winner
Short Films
Sealgair (2024)
Cast: Natasha Reid; Kyle McGuinness; Ludovico Rizza
Producer: Steve Johnson, Paul Mackie, Kyle McGuinness
Writers: Paul Mackie & Stuart Hazell
Genre: Thriller / Suspense
1872, in the Scottish Highlands, a lone hunter gets caught on private land and taken before the mistress of the castle, but not everything is as it seems. Made for the 'YES WE CANNES' 48-Hour Global Film Competition 2024
The Fartist (2024)
Cast: Kirsty Strain; Atta Yaqub; Kyle McGuinness
Producer: Steve Johnson & Paul Mackie
Writers: Paul Mackie & Stuart Hazell
Genre: Family / Comedy
As a wife embraces her flatulence and turns it into a career, her husband must decide if their marriage can survive the winds of change. Made for the 48-Hour Film Project Glasgow
Awards / Screenings
2024 48 Hour Film Project Glasgow - 2nd Place Best Film
2024 48 Hour Film Project Glasgow - Nominated Best Director
Heated (2024)
Cast: Kyle McGuinness; Natasha Reid; Mariah Baille; Keryn Matthew; Ludovico Rizza
Producer: Kyle McGuiness
Writers: Stuart Hazell & Paul Mackie
Genre: Inspirational / Food / Drama
A head chef finds inspiration from the most unlikely staff member. Made for the 48-Hour Film Project Edinburgh.
The 12th Man (2022)
Cast: Tony MacDonald; John Gaffney; Bev Sweeney; Claire McEwan; Susan Sims;
Producers: Michael Murdoch; Chris Martin; Paul Mackie
Writers: Michael Murdoch, Chris Martin
Genre: Comedy / Drama / Proof of Concept
A group of football fans as they watch their down and out football team through the good and bad times (Mainly the bad) in Scotland.
Snapshot (2022)
Cast: Kirsty Strain (Outlander); Carrie Dodds; Craig McGinlay (King Arthur: Legend of the Sword)
Producer: Carrie Dodds
Writer: Carrie Dodds, Steve Johnson
Genre: Social Drama
A successful career woman questions her life choices as she builds a friendship with a homeless woman.
Awards / Screenings
2022 Scottish Short Film Festival - Best Director (Nominated)
Schemes & Scholarships
2022 Directors UK
Strategic Career Workshop for Drama Directors
2022 Sundance Collab
Directing Actors Course
2019 Talent Lab
Reykjavik International Film Festival Talent Lab
2019 ScreenSkills
Making it Possible with Raising Films
Additional Skills / Training
2023 ScreenSkills
MovieMagic Budgeting
2023 ScreenSkills
MovieMagic Scheduling
Directors UK
Associate Member